Size Guides



When measuring for any Jetpilot garment, it is important that you have accurate and up to date measurements. Depending on what garment you are fitting for, you may not need to take down all of these measurements. Please check the tables below to find what measurements you need.

It is best to have a second person take your measurments, as self measuring may lead to inaccuracies. When taking measurements, please ensure that you are measuring the widest point in the area, except for the waistline which is to be taken from the smallest point.


These values are to be used as a guide only. For more accurate measurements please check the individual product page for the items.

Screen Shot 2024-02-23 at 3.09.48 PM.png__PID:85c4b9f9-348c-4015-b5d5-76040eff4364Screen Shot 2024-02-27 at 11.35.37 AM.png__PID:1294fda7-ebce-4219-acd8-654ab23d7e9cScreen Shot 2024-02-27 at 11.37.35 AM.png__PID:19acd865-4ab2-4d7e-9cb5-f84b95e6f786Screen Shot 2024-02-27 at 11.38.24 AM.png__PID:654ab23d-7e9c-45f8-8b95-e6f7865c205eScreen Shot 2024-02-27 at 11.40.20 AM.png__PID:3d7e9cb5-f84b-45e6-b786-5c205e3c1c2cScreen Shot 2024-02-27 at 11.40.52 AM.png__PID:9cb5f84b-95e6-4786-9c20-5e3c1c2c03ef


These values are to be used as a guide only. For more accurate measurements please check the individual product page for the items.

Ladies Life Jackets

Please use this size guide to measure all Jetpilot Ladies' Life Jackets

Screen Shot 2024-02-27 at 11.49.14 AM.png__PID:76f008a5-c129-49be-9fb4-a1a983080c22Screen Shot 2024-02-27 at 11.49.25 AM.png__PID:f008a5c1-2909-4e5f-b4a1-a983080c22d7Screen Shot 2024-02-27 at 11.49.35 AM.png__PID:08a5c129-09be-4fb4-a1a9-83080c22d7b2Screen Shot 2024-02-27 at 11.49.46 AM.png__PID:a5c12909-be5f-44a1-a983-080c22d7b2f7Screen Shot 2024-02-27 at 11.49.58 AM.png__PID:c12909be-5fb4-41a9-8308-0c22d7b2f785Screen Shot 2024-02-27 at 11.50.07 AM.png__PID:2909be5f-b4a1-4983-880c-22d7b2f785d8Screen Shot 2024-02-27 at 11.50.29 AM.png__PID:09be5fb4-a1a9-4308-8c22-d7b2f785d88a


These values are to be used as a guide only. For more accurate measurements please check the individual product page for the items.

Youth Life Jackets

Please use this size guide to measure all Jetpilot Youth Life Jackets

Screen Shot 2024-02-27 at 11.56.09 AM.png__PID:8a81e8e3-9fcd-4acf-ac25-c66408b81ff6Screen Shot 2024-02-27 at 11.56.32 AM.png__PID:d88a81e8-e39f-4d4a-8f6c-25c66408b81fScreen Shot 2024-02-27 at 11.57.38 AM.png__PID:85d88a81-e8e3-4fcd-8acf-6c25c66408b8Screen Shot 2024-02-27 at 11.57.58 AM.png__PID:f785d88a-81e8-439f-8d4a-cf6c25c66408Screen Shot 2024-02-27 at 11.58.16 AM.png__PID:b2f785d8-8a81-48e3-9fcd-4acf6c25c664